Ministry of Fish - The Current

Article by
Alina Cherednik

Women’s Health Marketing: Reaching a female consumer base 

Did you know that women make up to 90% of healthcare decisions for the whole household? Yet, even in 2023, women's health marketing needs to meet their needs better.  

Most modern medicine was initially developed with male physiology in mind, influencing how physicians made diagnoses and prescribed treatment. Unsurprisingly, this approach underserved women with numerous negative consequences. 

As women's health slowly gets the attention it deserves, pharmaceuticals are creating a marketplace for the unique healthcare needs of a woman. However, does women's health marketing resonate with them as women, mothers, caregivers, and chief family health officers? 

To attract and retain the loyalty of this massive demographic, businesses must recognise that most women determine when/where they and their family members receive care. Ignoring women's significant influence over their immediate and extended families would be detrimental to how companies build out their female healthcare marketing comms.   

Appealing to women as healthcare decision-makers can help healthcare marketers, doctors, physicians and other healthcare professionals increase their (loyal) female patient volume - whilst attracting several of their relatives. 

Here are five points to keep in mind when marketing to female healthcare consumers. 

1. Put some time into creating detailed buyer personas

Recognising that women are diverse individuals with varied identities and experiences is vital to effectively market to them. Take the time to understand their specific characteristics, develop buyer personas for different market segments and ask the right questions - attention to detail will enhance your comms, increasing engagement and trust.  

2. Review and evaluate your product/service

The last couple of years have been a prime time for brands to reassess their women's health offerings. The conventional healthcare system is transforming, allowing more participation from various organisations, brands and KOLs.  

 Women’s health is fast becoming an integral part of overall healthcare and it is clear a personalised care delivery model should be central to women's health services. With a shift from focusing solely on specific body parts or reproductive life stages, to holistic care for the complete individual - a range of care options, including digital therapeutics, clinic, hospital and home-based services, need to be available. So, does your brand experience engage and cater to women’s needs?  

3. Age-appropriate comms

The tone of voice, visuals and platforms you choose to engage your target audience massively depend on generational preferences. Promoting a new fertility treatment? Your desired audience is likely to be older Gen Zs and Millennials. Going to where they reside digitally is key to success - Instagram, TikTok and YouTube Shorts could be your best bet. 

 Another good example is marketing women's health products and services to the often-overlooked Gen X population. Often juggling responsibilities and caring for children, themselves, plus ageing parents, they are that one group the marcomms for which must span the entire medical care range. 

4. Right content to the right channels 

Once you know who you're targeting, here's where you're most likely to find them: 

Gen Z

TikTok, Instagram, YouTube Shorts and Twitch the most; punchy, informal copy and attention-grabbing videos are key. 


Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok (younger millennials at least), as well as online retail platforms; captivating visual content stays a high priority.  

Gen X

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; avoid big-spend, flashy advertising and focus on authentic and transparent messaging, to appeal to their naturally non-trusting sensibilities. Gen X female health marketing needs to be built around compelling visual content and story-based advertising. 

Baby Boomers

Yes, you can reach them online! However, you need to know where they are exactly. Around half of boomers spend approximately 13 hours a week online and are more likely to spend time on hospital or care provider portals.... but don’t forget, nearly 80% of boomers use at least one social media platform! Make sure to develop digestible versions of educational content, so that they can share the information with their peers on social. 

5. Think about what your brand or product stands for

In 2023 there are still socioeconomic issues that women face; the gender pay gap, the pink tax and sexual and reproductive rights to name just a few. Women listen to what businesses, brands (and politicians) have to say very carefully, while expecting organisations and politicians to hear them.  

Nowadays, women are more likely to engage with brands that stand for something, support a cause or strive to not harm; applying ethical business practices.  


The bottom line is that there is no one size fits all solution. When trying to market healthcare products and services to women, it is about modifying the tone and content appropriately; communicating through the right channels to specific age groups, while aligning with women's values and addressing social issues they are facing nowadays.  

 By implementing these five points into their communication efforts, marketers can bridge the gap and effectively meet the healthcare needs of women - benefiting both the women themselves and their families.  

 If you have any questions or enquiries, or simply want some creative marketing support, please get in touch with us here at Ministry of Fish. 

Women’s Health Marketing: Reaching a female consumer base 

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